What we offer
Every horse deserves the best start to their education. After starting you can expect your horse to:
• Lead and move around on the ground well with a fundamental respect for your personal space and safety.
• Walk, trot and canter relaxed on both reins
• Have a really solid understanding of the leg and rein aids.
• Go over and through a variety of obstacles
• Hack out calmly
Continual progressive ridden education is important to keep your horse physically sound and mentally engaged.
The schooling service would be beneficial for you if:
• Life has gotten in the way and you don’t want your horse to be out of work and lose their fitness and ability
• You’re facing an issue or barrier when riding that you can’t seem to get past
• Your horse is stiff in their movement, heavy in your hand or unresponsive to your leg
• Your horse has been out of work for some time and you want help getting over those first few weeks back under saddle
Clinics and Demonstrations
Educational events to suit the interests and needs of you and your yard. From softness and willingness under saddle to ground control and behavioural issues.
Young Horse Education
If your horse is old enough to walk then they are old enough to learn. Damien loves working with foals and yearlings and is a big believer that as an owner you have a responsibility to educate your horse when they are young so that they are safe for you, your farrier, your vet and anyone else who might need to handle them. A week of concentrated education in short bursts here and there along with consistency in how you handle them throughout their first 2 years can make such a huge difference in the attitude of your horse, especially when it comes to beginning their ridden education.
Problem Solving
Just like people, horses are never perfect and whilst we can forgive many of these transgressions sometimes an issue we are having with our horse can become a big problem, taking away from the enjoyment we are supposed to be getting out of owning them. Damien works to find the root of the problem and builds from there as often there is an underlying issue as to why your horse won’t stand still to be mounted, or won’t load in the trailer or bucks when you ask for canter etc. Damien works with you and your horse so that you can understand the cause of the problem and provides you with the tools and knowledge necessary to avoid another problem arising.